Mufti Menk’s Quotes

The following are some notable quotes from Mufti Ismail Menk, most of which have been reproduced from his Facebook Page .


(This page has been last updated on the 11th of January 2017)


mufti ismail ibn musa menk


  • “Many people have an attitude of getting closer to others only when they see material benefit for themselves. Suddenly, when the tables turn they either disappear or may even cause harm. We are taught to be careful of such people & never allow ourselves to become similar. Never be surprised when those you thought were closest to you let you down! A handful of genuine people is better than a city full of fake friends!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, May 13, 2011)



  • “When a spouse or family member has wronged us or let us down it is important to try hard to resolve the matter & forgive them. Those who have broken off relations due to one or two wrongdoings have mostly regretted later on in life. When forgiving, it is important to forget the past as difficult as this may be. Those who do not prevent themselves from thinking of the past tend to live in constant agony & bitterness.” (Mufti Ismail Menk, May 25, 2011)



  • mufti ismail ibn musa menk“Those who make accusations & then say “but don’t mention MY name!” have something to hide. They are either liars, troublemakers, deceivers, hypocrites or plain cowards. Such people destroy homes, cause conflict & create disunity whilst trying to be in the good books of all sides. Matters cannot be resolved when those making the claims are unknown. True believers should be genuine & never hide their identity.” (Mufti Ismail Menk. June 14, 2011)



  • “Maintaining the cleanliness of the home at all times, ensuring that it is neat & pleasantly scented enhances the love & harmony within the inhabitants of the home. Having a filthy home, dirty kitchens, undone beddings,  cupboards & units very disorderly, smelly bathrooms, unwashed clothing lying around etc distances the hearts. We should ALL contribute towards maintaining a neat & clean home!” (Mufti Menk. June 21, 2011)



  • “If those without children complained about it, those with only boys complained about not having girls, those with girls complained about not having boys & those with both complained about how much of a handful they are, then WHO is going to show gratitude & satisfaction with the Divine Decree of the Almighty? Indeed, He chooses, we don’t! So let’s stop complaining & start being thankful. He knows what is best for us!” (Mufti Ismail Menk. July 1, 2011)



  • mufti ismail ibn musa menk“Being divorced is not the end of the world. It could be the biggest blessing & lead to something much better, bringing about much goodness. Many people have found more compatible spouses & are leading happier lives. There is no point in holding grudges  or becoming depressed over a marriage that did not work. Make an effort to look for a more appropriate spouse & the Almighty will open the doors!” (Mufti Ismail Menk. July 2, 2011)



  • “Regular verbal appreciation of the little things that are done by a spouse, verbal reiteration of our affection, maintaining a good facial expression & always speaking in a very kind or sweet tone go a long way in enhancing the bond within the matrimonial home. Many of us do take this for granted. Like a seedling needs constant care & watering to grow into a strong tree that bears good fruit, so does every marriage!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, July 12, 2011)



  • “When a senior religious scholar whom the Almighty has used to change the lives of many people across the globe passes away, a deep sense of loss is felt. Knowledge is taken away through the death of scholars hence it is almost impossible to fill the gap. It is our duty to make maximum use of the true scholars in our midst before we regret the way we wasted our access to them.” (Mufti Ismail Menk, July 13, 2011)



  • “””Every night the Almighty stretches His Hand to forgive those who have sinned during the day & every day He stretches His Hand to forgive those who have sinned by night until the sun rises from the West!” He also descends to the lowest heaven when a third of each night remains asking “Is there anyone repenting that I may forgive, anyone turning to me that I may accept, anyone seeking anything that I may give!” “” (Mufti Ismail Menk. July 15, 2011)



  • mufti ismail ibn musa menk“What is it that we are waiting for to happen in our lives that will finally make us stop engaging in major sin,harming people, backbiting, gambling,taking drugs, consuming alcohol, dressing inappropriately etc? Has enough not already occured to move us sincerely towards our Creator & develop a stronger link with Him? Are we waiting for a disaster or huge calamity to make us turn? Rather turn NOW & feel the blessings!” (Mufti Ismail Menk. July 16, 2011)



  • “Spying on others brings about one’s own downfall & causes untold internal misery. Wanting to know the sins of others or their private matters that are between them & the Almighty is a disease that many people of our times believe to be their right. Those who spy, eavesdrop or hack should blame none but themselves when their own lives crumble. People are answerable to the Almighty & not to us for their personal sins.” (Mufti Ismail Menk. July 18, 2011)



  • “Satan beautifies sin for us making it seem so juicy & worthwhile. Whether adultery, gambling, gossip, backbiting, intoxicants, lies, immodest dress, clandestine earnings or any other sin, without self control & discipline coupled with the constant consciousness that Satan is our enemy out to get us & that the Almighty is All Watchful & unto Him is our ultimate return, we would easily fall into some of these traps.” (Mufti Ismail Menk, July 20, 2011)



  • “We are taught to dress modestly, covering our bodies with material that does not expose what is meant to be covered. Someone said, “When we die we will be covered fully without anything exposed before we are buried. Let that not be the first time we are properly covered.” So we’d rather start dressing appropriately & covering now instead of waiting for that day. It does not cost us anything to improve in this aspect.” (Mufti Ismail Menk, July 25, 2011)



  • “Overworking oneself is very destructive if it is made a habit & can cause significant mental, physical & social damage. It can also destroy family ties, break up marriages, result in loss of children to drugs etc. Of what use are those earnings when things around us are crumbling. Take a break with the family for a weekend. Make the time for those closest to you & spend the money you have earned on them!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, July 28, 2011)



  • “The supplications made immediately after engaging in a good deed are more likely to be answered in the way we wished. The same applies when praying for others who are going through difficulty etc before praying for ourselves. Hence when the fast comes to an end each day do not forget to pray for humanity at large! We are taught that when we pray for others, the angels ask that the same be given to us!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 4, 2011)



  • “It is the Message that is POWERFUL & not the person delivering it. Without that message, the one conveying it would have nothing to say & would be insignificant. So always focus on the power of the message & it’s source – the Almighty & the Prophet pbuh – & let’s abstain from praising the “postman”. Our awe & love belong to the source! We respect our scholars but should not raise them above being human just like others.” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 4, 2011)



  • “When our children show a greater inclination than ourselves towards spirituality & religion by trying to please their Maker in their duties unto Him, we should support & encourage them rather than become upset & pass very discouraging remarks or even stop them from fulfilling their obligations. It should be a reminder to us to fulfill our duties too. Sadly many parents become unhappy when their daughters seek to please the Almighty by dressing more appropriately or their sons become religious!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 8, 2011)



  • “We MUST control our temper during the fast. If anyone swears us or utters derogatory remarks we should simply say, “I am fasting!” When we feel a slight rise in tempers we should remian silent. Many people have regretted their utterances but very few have regretted their silence. Many marriages have been broken due to uncontrolled temper & utterances, just like many relations have been severed & friendships have been destroyed etc. Hence through fasting we must learn self control & restraint!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 10, 2011)



  • “Those who want to live a life of luxury even though they know that they cannot afford it have none other than themselves to blame when their life is torn apart! We should never be shy or hesitate to downgrade our entire lifestyle when our earnings have been affected. Husbands become stressed, wives complain, children develop bad habits ultimately disintegrating the once cosy home, solely becuase we choose to live a fake life to display to others that we have what we cannot really even afford!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 11, 2011)



  • “A growing number of young do not realise that marriage is not a perpetual honeymoon. It is a very great sacrifice & a major adjustment is required for it to be blissful. Some are looking for a readymade groom who already has the world at his fingertips & all he needs is a trophy on his arm to show the world how good they look together! What is the point of that when the whole house is in disarray! Humble beginings result in more appreciated relationships that last longer in most cases.” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 12, 2011)



  • “Success is incorrectly guaged by many people as being dependent on how much wealth one has accumulated. So the most wealthy are looked up to as the most successful. This is the first line of Satan’s attack because once we don’t even know what success is, he hardly needs to do much more to keep us climbing up the wrong ladder. We want to earn more than we can spend, buy more than we can eat, build more than we can live in & aspire far longer than we will live! So who is considered successful?” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 13, 2011)



  • “Trying out a bit of weed, a knock of crack, a quick cigarrette, a tot of brandy, a sip of larger or just going to check out what happens at the clubs & pubs is the beginging of a road that ultimately winds through the mountains of destruction! Even though many youth may not initially think it would do any harm, being promised by their peers that it is “fun”, the roller coaster ride they are in for is such that besides the lucky few who are flung out, the rest are stuck until they are overtaken!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 14, 2011)



  • “We break the fast the moment we are instructed to eat & we start the fast each morning the moment we should stop eating! If we applied that to all the instructions of the Almighty we would achieve true piety. Whenever we want to do something He has prohibited, we stop immediately & whenever we find an instruction of His, we engage immediately. Surprising how we can fast so well bearing every second in mind but we tend to ignore the the same Creator when it comes to other matters!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 16, 2011)



  • “Buy the best & latest mobile, laptop, gadget or vehicle of your own choice! It remains the best & latest for you until you come across a later model! Suddenly your heart begins to silently or violently demand the newer one, yet yours always served your purpose. Had you never seen the later one, yours would have always been the latest & best! Moral is never allow yourself to run behind the world because there is no end to it! Lower your gaze & be satisfied with what is yours – esp in marriage 😉  ” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 17, 2011)



  • “Working towards a goal we have set is in itself an achievement! It makes us people who are more likely to achieve great heights as opposed to those who live an aimless life, fulfilling whatever comes to their minds at each moment. Set yourself short, medium & long term objectives & remember that you will have to work tirelessly to achieve them! Always bear in mind the ULTIMATE goal is to attain the Pleasure of the Almighty! A single day spent aimlessly is a great loss that cannot be retrieved!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 18, 2011)



  • “Not using social networks responsibly can very easily ruin lives, destroy marriages, lead to sin, cause untold suffering & pain. It sometimes seems that as technology advances, so does the devil. Never hesitate to delete unnecessary contacts or “friends” or cut a relationship that is heading in the wrong direction! Remember, the same technology, if used wisely, can result in all round positive unimaginable growth! Be disciplined, make upright decisions now & see your problems being solved!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 19, 2011)



  • “When we see others engaging in wrong we should immediately ask ourselves how much wrong we engage in ourselves. We tend to be quick to point at others when we are drowning in the same or worse. In the same way that we would not like others to spread our weaknesses & faults we shoud abstain from spreading theirs. We should approach them directly to guide them & pray for them & ourselves as well. Satan makes us feel it is fine for us to sin privately but others should be exposed.” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 21, 2011)



  • “We are taught to pray to be inclined towards the poor & needy to the degree that we develop a genuine feeling for them so that we are used to help them. The Messenger pbuh used to ask the Almighty to grant him the love for the poor. Had there been no poor people, where were we going to give our charities. Hence we are should be thankful that through them, a great act of worship known as charity is fulfilled! Those who take care of the poor shall be taken care of by the Almighty, the Supreme!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 22, 2011)



  • “Be grateful when you are blessed with a healthy child, male or female. Never be upset when you really wanted a boy but had a girl. She may bring much happiness & blessings into the home. Those who become sad when informed of the gender of the child are forgetting that others do not have children at all. Such ingratitude is unacceptable from a believer. The Almighty is The Decider & none has a say in His Decree! We pray the Almighty bless those with no offspring by creating for them that miracle!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 23, 2011)



  • “If we allow Satan to make us worry about “what people would think or say” if we did something then not only are we enslaved by those people in a uniquely dangerous way but we will NEVER end up doing anything upright! This trap of Satan affects a very large number of people. When what is correct & upright needs to be done, NEVER bother about “people”. Why should we drop ourselves to their level when the Almighty has blessed us! Many of them wouldn’t bother about us when they want to do something!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 24, 2011)



  • “A mother cannot be replaced by anyone! We MUST value our mothers before they are taken away. It is an obligation to be respectful towards them, say kind words to them & appreciate everything they have done & continue doing for us! A meal prepared at home by “mum” is far more valuable & blessed than tens of other meals even if it is plain & simple! Once we marry, although life changes drastically, the status of a mum should never be forgotten. Success lies in appreciating those closest to us!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 25, 2011)



  • “Once we seek forgiveness from whatever sin we have committed we should never let that sin haunt us. Satan tries to make us fail or limit our spiritual progress by making us feel we have not been forgiven or that what we did was unforgivable. Seek forgiveness many times daily to develop a good link with your Maker & never doubt the Mercy of the Most Merciful! However, if we have wronged a fellow human then we will HAVE to go up to the them & seek forgiveness for our wrongdoing against them!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 26, 2011)



  • “At times we display much passion to solve the world’s problems pretending to be champions of the cause of the oppressed, yet we are oppressing our own family members, those whom we interact with & many more around us! How will we solve global issues when we refuse to address matters within us that glare us in the face daily. This is why the Almighty says the condition of a nation can only improve if each individual resolves to improve!  Solve your own issues first & see the difference!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 27, 2011)



  • When a match goes into extra time, the real excitement begins. Not only do the players strive to score that decisive goal but even the spectators roar in excitement, cheering them on. That is a scenario we can relate to & understand. For those of us who have been blessed with an extra day of fasting, consider it a golden opportunity to be able to score the decisive goals towards the Pleasure of the Almighty in these final moments of the month! Also cash in on the last part of the “reward sale”! (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 30, 2011)



  • “On a day of joy we should reflect upon our spiritual condition & remember the less fortunate, the elderly, the sick, the homeless, the oppressed, the disabled & the  deceased. We should consider ourselves blessed & be thankful to the Almighty. We should resolve to eradicate our evil qualities & bad habits. We should forgive others as far as possible & mend broken relations amongst us. We should be kind to our parents & family members & exchange a good word! Have a Blessed Day!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, August 31, 2011)



  • ” “A believer is a mirror unto another believer!” We are being taught to correct each other politely & not feel bad when corrected. Also not to expose one’s faults to others nor deny an open correction when we are wrong. Just like a mirror is never called a liar when it shows us a mark on our faces, it is believed always, it never shows one’s blemishes to the next person, it keeps showing us the blemish until we wipe it off & if we do not benefit from it WE lose!” (Mufti Ismail Menk, September 2, 2011)



  • “A smile on the face, a constant good expression, a regular good comment, a positive attitude, a helping hand, a word or two of praise, a show of appreciation, a radiant look, a heart of understanding & mutual respect, a very gentle or polite correction where needed & very good communication ALL contribute very strongly towards building the HAPPIEST of homes with those whom we live with! Those who choose the opposite will contribute towards achieving the opposite!” (September 4, 2011)



  • “Not verifying information thoroughly before accepting it can make enemies out of true friends, friends out of dangerous enemies, distance the most genuine of people, result in great loss whilst believing we are winning & cause much destruction, untold pain&suffering not only to us, but our families, communities & even nations! We seem to be living in an era of people who enjoy rumour, gossip, slander, tales & calculated mischief which entrap even those we consider good or pious! Let’s take heed!” (September 5, 2011)



  • “Leaving the bathroom in a condition that you would like to find it in, plays an important role in general cleanliness. If each one of us was considerate of the next person & spent a few moments neatening the bathroom after using it, it would make living with others less stressful! The worst feeling is entering a bathroom & having to clean up someone else’s mess. We can very quickly lose the respect of others, become known for dirty habits & be spoken about unnecessarily behind our backs! (September 6, 2011)



  • “Technology can be used in a beneficial or a detrimental way. The fact that some people use it irresponsibly does not make it prohibitted for the rest. To close the door totally upon all because of misuse by some or many, would exclude those capable of using it to benefit themselves & others too. Great self-discipline is a prerequisite! Many a misguided person has been guided by something they came across coincidentally. When the Almighty guides, He can cause a drunkard to become a saint!” (September 7, 2011)



  • “Many children are being silently abused by their own family members either physically, emotionally, mentally & at times even sexually! The biggest crime & one of the most serious sins is to abuse those under our own guardianship! Screaming & yelling at children, beating them up for every small matter without any explanations or limits, threatening them every now & again, swearing them, cursing them, punishing them unreasonably etc all have dangerous consequences on the entire family. STOP NOW!” (September 8, 2011)



  • “When we are not kind & loving towards our spouses & children, ignoring them, making them struggle to draw our attention, showing no appreciation for their effort, keep picking on their errors, spending no time with them, giving preference to our friends or the net, phone etc, then we are guilty of pushing them to seek that elsewhere! Hence we will also bear the sin of their wrongdoings at work, school, clubs etc. It will be too late to cry then whilst we ignored them when they cried out for us!” (September 9, 2011)



  • “At times, when a scholar conveys a message, a guilty conscience within us makes us feel he is attacking us or directing his talk to us! This happens because we desperately needed the message for our self improvement. The Almighty is the One who makes him choose a relevant topic that has in it a message directed to us from HIM as a reminder! To castigate a scholar due to him conveying the truth regarding current issues in our lives makes us suffer untold loss! Thank the Almighty for the message!” (September 11, 2011)



  • “Stubbornness & firmness are confused by many. When a person holds on to a point that is baseless, an argument that is wrong, a position he is not fit for, a statement that is incorrect, a principle that is flawed, an opinion that has no negative effect if given up etc, he could rightfully be called stubborn! However the one who is firm upon justice, upright upon valid principles, holds fast to what is correct, sticks to great values & morals etc, but still respects others is indeed praiseworthy!” (September 12, 2011)



  • “The Almighty loves that when we do something we should do it properly & thoroughly. This is a virtuous narration teaching us to take pride in whatever we do. The term pride here refers to doing a neat, proper, dedicated job rather than halfhearted, shabby job. A true believer would complete a job before commencing another & not leave jobs outstanding unless there was reason to do so. Also, never take up a job we are not qualified for or cannot manage. Let us be dedicated & always do a good job.” (September 13, 2011)



  • “Becoming a “fashion or brand slave” to the degree that we waste large amounts of money, crave for what we cannot afford, live beyond our means & standards, become demanding upon our spouses or parents, cannot adjust downwards the day we cannot afford it, make it the main aim in our lives, only look up to those on the same level, are proud to display names of people who may be satan worshippers, queer, failures in their own lives – can be the single most disastrous social habit that one can have.” (September 14, 2011)



  • “Never underestimate the power of prayer! Constant prayer, with full conviction, without loss of hope no matter how prolonged it may be, really does create miracles! What seems “impossible” for us is simple for the Almighty. Many have already seen this in their lives! We are also taught to maintain closeness to the Almighty at times of ease & then during hardship He has promised to come to our aid. Let us not be from those who only worship when they are suffering or when their lives are chaotic. (September 15, 2011)



  • “Whilst our facial expressions & moods are extremely important to maintain a happy social environment, we tend to forget that emails, smses, status messages, IMs & internet communications do not show expressions & therefore are mostly read in the mood of the receiver & not that of the sender. This can cause much harm. To avoid this it is important to consider either making one’s mood very clear from the outset or making use of acceptable emoticons being splashed at appropriate intervals.” (September 16, 2011)



  • “True friends are not those who tell us what we ‘want’ to hear but rather what we ‘need’ to hear. Friends are responsible to ensure that the friendship results in the improvement of both sides spiritually as well as in other ways. Those who fear hurting us if the truth is told to us are like those who would rather see us making the wrong decisions in life & then sympathise when we suffer, yet they knew all along how to have saved us. One true friend is better than 1000 hypocrites cheering us on!” (September 17, 2011)



  • “Never compare your marriage with that of others. Whilst their situation may seem so rosy outwardly, they may be going through much more turbulence than you & at the same time they may be wishing they had a situation like yours! Each marriage has its own peculiarities & challenges. Comparing with those we presume are happier is not a solution but rather a grave obstacle & weakness. Assisting those suffering in the true sense would make us appreciate what we have.” (September 18, 2011)



  • “Littering the environment, throwing peels, disposing of garbage on the streets, in a public place, lake or sea etc is strongly frowned upon. We are taught to maintain strict cleanliness at all times. In fact we are rewarded to take a moment to pick up any litter or harmful object we find in our surroundings or pathways & dispose of it correctly. Many people take this for granted. If we are not yet upon the level of picking up litter thrown by others then at least WE should not be the litterbugs.” (September 19, 2011)



  • Facebook, twitter, online social networking, chats, instant messaging, mobiles etc have undoubtedly been responsible for the breakup of marriages, deviation of children, health disorders due to lack of sleep etc & much time is taken away from prayers, responsibilities towards loved ones etc. Only those who are well disciplined & set themselves strict limits of time, content & type of interaction will benefit. Those who have no control over themselves when it comes to this should rather abstain.” (September 20, 2011)



  • Describing others physical appearance using hurtful terms such as fat, ugly, too short, dwarf, skinny, big nose is a major sin. The Messenger pbuh has warned us about using terms that would hurt a person. We are all created by the Almighty who decides our features & although we should play our role to maintain the best possible health etc, we are not permitted to use degrading terms when refrring to anyone. The Almighty loves us all & He Alone knows who is closer to Him in worship.” (September 21, 2011)



  • When things do not go exactly the way we wanted, when we do not achieve what we have tried so hard to or when we feel so let down by others then always know that for as long as we have faith & trust in the Almighty, He definitely has something better in store for us, has saved us from a calamity or disaster that would have been in our path or has elevated our status through surrendering to His Decree. We are not considered believers until we are pleased with the Decisions of the Almighty. This will save us from much anxiety & depression. Try your best & leave the rest to Him.” (September 22, 2011)



  • The test of the rich is how humble they remain as they gain wealth & how grateful they are to the Almighty who is the sole Owner of all wealth. This gratitude is displayed by increasing acts of worship, obeying commands & abstaining from prohibitons. The humility is guaged by the attitude towards fellow human beings, the manner of spending, the ability to fight off the urge to have a say in everything, dominate & control solely due to the amount of wealth we have. This test ends either when we become poor once again or when we die leaving behind whatever we had amassed for our heirs to fight over. Beware of the dangers of this great test!” (September 23, 2011)



  • We should never allow “community politics” & petty “name-calling” to stop us from benefitting from programs conducted for our overall upliftment. At times we are so fortunate to have the biggest blessings at our doorstep in the form of scholars, lectures & a variety of learning programs that we desperately need in order to achieve contentment & solution to our personal crises, but Satan keeps us far away. His methods include making us fall prey to name-calling, community politics, laziness, constant discouragement by those around us with very petty excuses or by simply keeping us occupied in other matters to the degree that we do not see the importance of such scholars or programs. Hence we begin to prioritise wrongly & miss out on some of the greatest life-changing moments that passed right in front of us. We should always have a policy of making every effort to attend, take part in & benefit from ALL programs accessible to us & never allow what people have to say to deprive us from goodness that is being spread right in our midst. Remember, guidance comes to those who truly seek it & make every effort to hunt it down. At the same time Satan is a professional at his job & if we don’t keep a look out for him, he may already be having control over us. We must open our eyes wide & use the brains given to us by the Almighty coupled with His consciousness & assistance from Divine Revelation to distinguish right from wrong & grow in closeness to our Maker!” (September 24, 2011)



  • Although the common belief is that the older one gets the wiser one becomes, nowadays it seems that a growing number of those ageing have never known wisdom nor understood it let alone become wise. Wisdom requires one to selflessly think years ahead, be disciplined, learn from the mistakes & experiences of others, consider reactions of actions, effects & after effects, study the reality on the ground, prepare for future generations etc. Wisdom is also supposed to come with experience but for some it seems no matter how many times they make mistakes they never learn. Let us ponder & reflect upon our own condition. May the Almighty grant us true wisdom.” (September 25, 2011)


  • “Choosing the correct ring tones for our hand held devices & mobiles is extremely important. It speaks volumes about who we are & what we stand for. A simple ring tone that alerts us of a call or sms & will never embarrass us no matter where we may be, is the most dignified. Funky tones & unacceptable lyrics or alert methods should not be selected. Always remember to turn off the volume or lower it when in an important place where silence is required such as places of worship. It can also be very irritating to others when we allow the ring to continue without answering the device for no apparent reason. “Mobile manners” is a very important subject that many take for granted. This is just the tip of the iceberg.” (September 26, 2011)


  • Exchanging gifts increases the love between us. However, a gift should only be from the depth of one’s heart, to make someone happy for the Pleasure of the Almighty. Never give a gift expecting something in return as this can quickly become a bribe. Never brag about a gift given to someone as this nullifies the reward & does more harm than good. The best gifts are those given with humility, sincerity & respect whilst the worst gifts are those given with a dirty heart, in a way that makes others feel inferior & us superior. Never belittle a gift no matter how small it may seem as it is the thought that counts & the sincerity.” (September 27, 2011)


  • In the same way that when traveling we ensure that our baggage does not exceed the airline weight limitation because of the fear of being penalised, we should also ensure that we do not carry excess baggage into the Hereafter. The correct weight is achieved through prayer, forgiving others, letting go of sin & other negative issues that we have held onto far too long, cleansing our hearts from jealousy, envy, hatred & evil thoughts, choosing the correct friends, assisting others, improving our character & abstaining from foul language & oppression. It is important to do a weight check before arriving at the ultimate “scale of justice”.” (September 29, 2011)


  • Describing intimate details to others of what goes on behind the closed doors of the marital home is shameless & causes others to lose respect for us very quickly. We do not realise the disastrous effects of this type of speech which can easily lead to envy, enmity, evil plotting & much more. In the process we sometimes disgrace our spouses too, yet we are meant to protect them. Seeking help when necessary is permitted but to publically disclose private matters is not the quality of a true believer. In fact disclosing anything that happens within our houses to outsiders can prove to be very costly. Remember that modesty is a part of faith!” (30 September , 2011)


  • Sponsoring a child in need or a family when we have the means to comfortably do so, has countless benefits. For as long as we are sincere, we would have made a huge investment with great guaranteed returns. Over & above the reward, we would not only deserve that our own children & families be protected by the Almighty but our other needs taken care of by Him too. We will learn to appreciate how fortunate we are & so will our children. When we whole heartedly assist those in need, we will be assisted by the One whom we all need! Learn to give to a good cause even a small amount & see the difference. The bare minimum is to extend a prayer for them which none can claim to be unable to do.” (1 October 2011)


  • The fruits of spending school holidays constructively will only be appreciated later on in life. During such periods we must set a goal, try to accomplish a task, learn something new or earn some pocket money etc. Travelling to a carefully selected destinatioin is also a reasonable option. There should be no room for laziness. A true holiday is where we have simply changed the nature of activity to refresh ourselves but not abandon all activity. Those who feel that the days should be spent lazing around or being a couch potato watching television, playing games, sleeping all day & partying all night have not only wasted valueable time but will definitely regret at some stage.” (2 October 2011)


  • Being inquisitive to the extent of asking personal questions, wanting to know details of the private lives of others by going as far as questioning little children to find out such details is stoeping to the lowest possible level. This sad habit is becoming more common as people lose focus in life & wrongly believe that such behaviour is useful. Satan then leads us to become even more inquisitve until we become like spies whose entire lives rotate around what others are doing. In the process our spirituality is killed, our lives are wasted & instead of benefitting constructively from our time, effort, energies & resources, they are all used in the most destructive manner. The Messenger pbuh says that a sign of a true submitter unto the Almighty is that he or she stays away from anything that does not concern him or her. Let us clean our act & get rid of such cravings before we are overtaken by regret. (5 October 2011)


  • What don’t we have? A roof above our heads, a plate of food, something to clothe ourselves with, a shoe to protect our feet, water to drink, body parts & general health, a school to go to, transport when needed even if it means public transport etc and the list is endless. In fact we have all this & much more but sadly most of us tend to look at the few things we don’t have & become so depressed & despondent. Is that fair? We must face challenges in life & tests yet many are not prepared to be put through a single test without making it the biggest issue about it. Most complaints are actually connected to luxuries & not necessities. May the Almighty assist those who are going through trying times. Aameen” (6 October 2011)


  • The signs of a hypocrite are that when he speaks he lies, when he promises he breaks the promise, when he is entrusted he betrays & when he is in an argument he screams & yells. Hypocrisy is to display outwardly that which is contrary to the inward condition. It is important that each one of us works very hard to identify such weaknesses within ourselves & remedy them as best as we can. This will help purify the heart & make all our acts of worship much more satisfying & meaningful. May the Almighty protect us from all forms of hypocrisy. Aameen.” (8 October 2011)


  • When are you going to have children? Whilst some may not mind, that question & other similar questions can be very embarrassing & at times rather hurtful too. The stress of those who cannot have children even though they would love to is increased by such unnecessary questions which make it seem like they have chosen not to have children yet they have no say in the matter. It is our duty to be sensitive about such issues & not just take it for granted. Questioning about the details of the lives of others is a VERY bad habit that leads to full blown gossip. Let us develop a policy of staying away from whatever is “none of our business”. (9 October 2011)


  • Mocking or laughing at those who are physically or mentally challenged, or those of different sizes & colours has serious consequences. Neither would we like to be thrown into a similar condition as a result of our misdeeds nor would we like that for our own children or family members. It is important that we thank the Almighty for whatever He has blessed us with & ask that those who are in such conditions be granted goodness too. At times we forget to teach our children to be helpful to the disabled & treat them with a special kindness instead of staring at them as though they were aliens. The same applies to those of different sizes or races. It takes all types of people to make up the wonderful world we live in, so let us respect & care for them all.” (10 October 2011)































































































For more quotes from Mufti Ismail Musa Menk, visit his Facebook page here: .


Also, a beautiful compilation by popular demand of 500 top quotes that brothers and sisters have liked on Mufti Dr Ismail Musa Menk’s Facebook and Twitter pages is now available online at



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12 thoughts on “Mufti Menk’s Quotes

  1. As slam alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatahu , Alhamdulillah sir mufti Ismail menk really my favourite. His lecture is really heart touching & always encourage to do the best of the best in fast moving life . I feel top most spray of the level whenever hears his voice. May Allah (swt) bless each & every step of life such genius scholar . If some of the lectures in text format it will be much better for me . JazakAllah

  2. My favourite mentor mufti ismail menk…
    learning so many things from his lectures. ..mashaAllah superb genius he is..may ALLAH bless Him…

  3. While other Islamic scholar badmouthed about other religions, dearest Mufti Menk stands out as the most Islamic scholar who teaches us the best things about our religion.
    Guys, please follow those scholar where you learn the best things about Islam and implement them in our lives

  4. As salam wale kum mufti menk ismail.I’am really motivated by u r videos.May Allah grant u a very long , happy life.
    -K.Noor Fathima

  5. I want a help… plzz help me.
    Naaz hre,23yr old married.. ma husbnd had promised me bfr marrge regarding sumthn..but now he doesn’t wnt to fulfil it .. he doesn’t listn to me…alwyz he complains me..I feel am control by ma in laws …am forced to stay at ma in laws hme..even ma husbnd is not at hme.. plzz help me ..

    • Salaam sister Naaz. Please go to your nearest mosque and ask the Imaam or the sisters at the mosque for assistance as soon as you can, insha Allah. Ask them for immediate advice or how you can get a marriage counselling session. Or do rush to your nearest police station if you have been abused. Or do go to your nearest General Practitioner (doctor’s) clinic and ask him or her to assist you in your problems immediately. You sound like you need help as soon as possible. May Allah make it easy for you, sister. Ameen.

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