
Here are some brief meanings of some Arabic terms for beginners, in shaa Allah.

Abd : A male slave, a slave of Allah.

Allah : God, The one Almighty God

Allah (s.w.t.) : When writing the name of God (Allah), Muslims often follow it with the abbreviation “SWT.” These letters stand for the Arabic words “Sub-haanahu Wa Ta’ala,” or “Glory to Him, the Exalted.” Muslims use these or similar words to glorify God when mentioning His name

Adhaan : The call to Salah (Prayer) pronounced loudly

Ayah (plural is Ayaat): A sign of Allah; a verse of the Qur’aan.

Aboo (Abee, Abaa, Abu): Father of; used as a means of identification. Example. Abu Ahmad: Father of Ahmad

‘Alayhi salaam: “May Allah protect and preserve him” It is said after the name of the Prophet of Allah [other than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)] or after the name of an angel. It can also mean “May peace be upon him”, or “May Allah give him peace”.

Alhamdulillah : All praises and thanks to Allah. Also written Alhumdulillah. Or Alhamdulillaah.

Alim : A knowledgeable person or a religious scholar in Islam.

Allahul Musta’an: Allah’s help is sought; Allah is the one whose help is sought, Allah is the one whom we seek help from. Sometimes, people say “Allahu Mustaán” instead.

Allahu Akbar: Allah is the Greatest

Ahaadeeth: plural of hadeeth. See Hadeeth. Also spelled Ahadith.

‘An’anah: a narrator’s reporting by saying ‘from so and so’ not describing exactly in what form it was transmitted to him. This will only affect the authenticity of the narration if the one doing it is a mudallis.

Ansaar: “Helpers”; the Muslims of Madeenah who supported the Muslims who migrated from Makkah.

Aameen: O Allah ! Accept our invocation. Accept our duáa. Also spelled Ameen. Or Amin. Or Amiin. Or Amen.

Bid’ah: Innovation; anything introduced into the Religion, in order to seek Allah’s pleasure, not having a specific proof or basis in the Religion.

Companions (Arabic – Sahaabah): the Muslims who saw the Prophet (may Allah protect and preserve him) and died upon Islam.

Da’eef: weak; unauthentic; fabricated (usually we use it when we’re referring it to a hadeeth narration which is wrong)

Da’wah: Literally, call. This refers to the concept and practical implementation of inviting and calling a person or persons to abide by and accept Islam in its pure and unadulterated form. It can also mean invitation to Islam.

Deen: the way of life as prescribed by Allah i.e. Islam. It can also mean religion.

Duha : Forenoon

Eemaan: faith; to affirm all that was revealed to the Messenger (may Allah protect and preserve him), affirming with the heart, testifying with the tongue and acting with the limbs. The actions of the limbs are from the completeness of Eemaan. Faith increases with obedience to Allah and decreases with disobedience. It can also be spelled Iman or Imaan.

Fataawa: Plural of fatwa, see Fatwa.

Fatwa (plural is Fataawa): religious verdict.

Fiqh: the understanding and application of the Sharee’ah from its sources.

Firdaus : Some scholars say it is the highest level of heaven or paradise or Jannah.

Fitrah: natural intuition; human nature; uncorrupted natural disposition; original and innocent disposition; the pristine, pure way that Allah created our souls; built in intuition; the innocence of the heart, knowing that there is a higher being who made us, understanding that there is a God. A child is born with the original knowledge that there is Allah. Watch these videos:  . Also read:   and

Fitnah: (plural is fitan): This linguistically refers to calamities, trials, tribulations and mischief.

Ghusl : A ceremonial bath. A ritual bath or shower. This is necessary for one who is Junub, and also on other occassions such as haidh (menstruation) or nifas (post-partum bleeding)

Hadeeth (plural – Ahaadeeth): narration concerning the utterances of the Prophet (may Allah protect and preserve him), his action or an attribute of his. Also spelled Hadith. Or Ahadith (plural)

Haidh: Menstuation. Period.

Hajj: Pilgrimage to Makkah. A major pilgrimage. See Umrah.

Halaal: permitted under the Sharee’ah. Also spelled Halal

Haneef : Pure Islamic Monotheism

Haram : The Sanctuaries of Makkah and Al-Madeenah

Haraam: prohibited under the Sharee’ah. Also spelled Haram.

Hasan: fine; good. A term used for an almost authentic hadeeth, which does not reach the higher category of authentic or saheeh/sahih.

Haya: Modesty – Bashfulness, shyness. It can also mean life.

Hijaab : A long dress prescribed from Muslim women to cover their whole body from head to feet. It can also mean the head covering or head dress of a Muslim woman. It can also be spelled Hijab.

Hijrah : Migration

Ibn: son of; used as a means of identification. Example: Ali ibn Ahmad – Ali the son of Ahmad.

Iftaar : Breaking the fast. It can also be spelled: Iftar

Imaam: leader; leader in Salaah, who has knowledge of fiqh; leader of a state or a Muslim community. It can also be spelled Imam.

In Shaa Allah: If God wills. If God allows it to happen.

Isnaad: the chain of narrators linking the collector of the saying to the person quoted.

Istighfar: To ask Allah for forgiveness. Saying “Astaghfirullah” or “Astarghfirullah”.

Jinn: A creation of Allah created by smokeless fire.

Junub: Someone who becomes impure due to certain sexual acts. A wet dream also makes a person junub. Ghusl is required to purify the person.

Kaafir: A disbeliever. A person who covers the truth. Or denies the truth. Read more here:

Khaleefah (plural is Khulafaa’): the head of the Islamic government (the khilaafah) to whom the oath of allegaince is given. Also spelled Khalifah or Khalifa.

Khulafaa’: Plural of Khaleefah. See khaleefah.

Kufr: Disbelief.

Kuffaar: Disbelievers.

La Ilaha Illa Allah: There is none worthy of worship except Allah

Madhhab: School of thought. Pronounced Marth-hubb. Or Maz-hab. Or Math-hab. Or Maz-hubb. Also spelled Mazhab.  In Sunni Islam, there are 4 main madhhabs – Hambali, Hanafi, Shafiée and Maliki.

Masha Allah: It’s God’s will. This phrase is often said when appreciating something beautiful. Some people believe that Allah will ward off the evil eye if we say Masha Allah after praising something or someone. But this may not necessarily be true. Many scholars believe that you have to actually make duáa to Allah (asking Allah to bless the thing or person) to prevent the evil eye. Saying Masha Allah. TabarakAllah. Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa billaah, etc.., may not be enough.

For example:

Therefore, instead of just Masha Allah, say any of these in addition to it, in shaa Allah. Or after saying Masha Allah, say any of these:

Allahumma baarik (O Allah, bless)

Allahumma baarik feeh (O Allah, bless him)

Allahumma baarik feeha (O Allah, bless her)

Allahumma baarik feehim (O Allah, bless them)

Allahumma baarik Feenaa (O Allah, bless us)

Allahumma baarik lahu fee (O Allah bless for him in it [in whatever item he has]) 

For example: Allahumma baarik lahu fee awladeh/bayteh, etc…

Allahumma baarik lahu fee awladeh/bayteh means “O Allah bless his children / his house, etc…”

Allahumma baarik laha fee (O Allah bless for her in it [in whatever item she has])

For example: Allahumma baarik laha fee awladehaa / baytehaa, etc…

Allahumma baarik laha fee awladehaa / baytehaa means “O Allah bless her children / her house, etc…”

Allahumma baarik lahum fee (O Allah bless for them in it [in whatever item they have.]) 

For example: Allahumma baarik lahum fee awladehum / baytehum, etc…

Allahumma baarik lahum fee awladehum / baytehum means “O Allah bless their children / their house, etc…”

Allahumma baarik lanaa fee (O Allah bless for us in it [in whatever item we have.])

For example: “Allahumma baarik lanaa fee Ta-áa-munaa / sayaaraatuna / buyootuna / abnaa-inaa / habaa-tunaa / razaqtanaa, etc…”

which means “O Allah bless for us in our food / our cars / our houses / our children / our gifts / our provisions, etc….”


“Fee” means “in”
“Feehe/Feehi” means “in him” or “in it” [if it refers to a masculine object in Arabic]•
“Feeha” means “in her” or “in it” [if it refers to a feminine object in Arabic that ends with ة in most cases]•


– BaarakAllahu laka
May Allah bless it for you (or May Allah bless you for what you have)

– BaarakAllahu laka feeha
May Allah bless her / it ( if it’s feminine) for you.

– BaarakAllahu lee feeha
May Allah bless it / her for me ( May Allah bless what I have)

– BaarakAllahu laha feeha
May Allah bless her / it (if it’s feminine) for her

BarakAllahu feek

May Allah bless you

– BarakAllahu feekum

May Allah bless you all (if there’s more than one person whom we are making duáa for)



Read these articles or watch these videos, in shaa Allah:

Mudallis: most commonly a narrator who reports things from his Shaikh which he did not directly hear from him but from an intermidediate whom he does not name but instead says ‘from the Shaikh’. This intermediate may be weak. The scholars of hadeeth will only accept the narrations of a mudallis when he clearly states that he heard them from the Shaikh, i.e. ‘The Shaikh narrated to us…’ e.t.c.

Muhaajir: One who migrates from the lands of the disbelievers to the land of the Muslims for the sake of Allaah.

Munqati’: (lit. disjoined) An isnaad in which two continuous links are missing in one or more than one place or an unknown narrator is found to join the links.

Mursal: loose; a narration in which a Successor narrated directly from the Prophet sallalahu ‘alayhe wasallam, i.e. omitting the Companion from who he heard it.

Mushaf : The Qur’aan between two covers. Pronounced moos-haf. It is a totally Arabic Quran. A Quran in Arabic in its whole entirety. No translations or other languages are present in the whole book.

Malaikah: Angel

Matrook: (lit. discarded) Where narrators are accused of falsehood in matters other than the narration of the tradition.

Nabi: Prophet

Nifas: Post-partum bleeding.

Niyyah: Intention. Sometimes people say Niyyat instead.

Radiyallaahu ‘anhu/’anhaa/’anhum/’anhumaa: may Allaah be pleased with him/her/them/both of them.

Rahimahullaah/Rahimahumullaah: may Allaah bestow His mercy upon him/them.

Rasul: Messenger

Sahaabah : See Companion. Also spelled Sahaba or Sahaaba. Or Sahabah. Or Sahabat.

Saheeh: correct; an authentic narration. Totally correct. Totally believable and true. Also spelled Sahih.

Salaf: predecessors; the early Muslims; the Muslims of the first three generations: The Companions, the Successors and their successors.

Salafus-Saaliheen: pious predecessors; the Muslims of the first three generations: the Companions, the Successors and their successors.

S.A.W. : ﷺ  : Usually written after writing the name of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ = Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) = Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) = Prophet Muhammad SalAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallaam = Prayer of God be upon him (Prophet Muhammad) and peace = May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

Shaikh: scholar, or teacher who has graduated from an Islamic university, or an old man

Shaitaan: Satan. Devil. Demon. Also spelled shaytan or shaytaan or shaitan.

Sharee’ah: the Divine code of Law.

Shirk: Associating partners with Allah.

Sunnah: in its broadest sense, the entire Deen which the Prophet sallalahu ‘alayhe wasallam came with and taught, i.e. all matters of belief, rulings, manners and actions whjich were conveyed by the Companions. It also includes those matters which the Prophet sallalahu ‘alayhe wasallam established by his sayings, actions and tacit approval – as opposed to bid’ah (innovation).

sunnah: an action of the Prophet sallalahu ‘alayhe wasallam. It can also mean a voluntary act which gives us good deeds.

SubhanAllah: Glory be to Allah; How perfect is Allah of Saheeh. How perfect Allah is!

Soorah: a chapter of the Qur’aan. Also spelled surah.

Taabi’ee (pl. Taabi’een): a Muslim (other than another Companion) who met a Companion.

Taqwa: “taqwa is acting in obedience to Allaah, hoping for His mercy upon light from Him and Taqwa is leaving acts of disobedience, out of fear of Him, upon light from Him.”

Tawbah: Sincere repentance. This process requires 4 or 6 steps. It’s not just merely asking Allah for forgiveness (istighfar).


To clean major sins*, it requires more than just istighfar. It requires TAWBAH. How to do Tawbah? Either one of these 2 methods, in shaa Allah:

Tawheed: Literally Oneness of God – The belief and realization of singling Allah out alone in His Lordship, the Worship that is performed for Him and His names and Attributes, apart from all other false deities. This entails the belief that Allah is the only true Creator, Sustainer, and Administrator of the Universe. It entails that one is mandated to perform and sincerely direct all of his worship to Allah alone and no one else. And lastly, it entails believing in all of Allah’s perfect Names and Attributes, and that they apply to Him alone and no one else. Also spelled Tawhid or Tauheed or Tauhid.

Tayammum: Dry ablution. It is an alternative to Wudu’. Using dust, stone, clay, sand, etc. It can be done by tapping one’s palms onto the dust (rock, sand, etc.) and wiping the back of the hands up to the wrist and then the face. (Start with the right hand, then left). Have Niyyah and say Bismillah before starting the process. Watch this video, in shaa Allah: {How to perform Tayammum | Learning with Zaky}

Ulamaa: Scholars of the Deen of Islaam.

Umm: Mother of. Example: Umm ‘Abdillah – Mother of ‘Abdillah

Umrah: Minor pilgrimage to Makkah. See Hajj.

Zaahid: One who practices zuhd.

Zuhd: Abstaining from the world and its luxuries.

Sources Used:

“The Evil of Craving For Wealth and Status” by Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee. Pgs. 56-58
“Beneficial Answers to Questions on Innovated Methodologies” by Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzaan
“Explanation of the Creed” by Imaam al-Barbahaaree
From the appendix of “Translation of the meanings of The Nobl Qur’an , in the English Language” – By Dr. Muhammad Taqiuddeen al-Hilaalee, Ph.D. and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan [ Arabic/English]

Extracted and edited from:

Edited by Victorian Muslimah

Other Resources:

Does Saying: “Masha Allah” Prevent THE EVIL EYE | IMPORTANT REMINDER!!
Truth about the Evil Eye: Seeking protection against al-‘Ayn – Yasir Qadhi | February 2011
Does Saying “Ma sha Allah” Prevent the Evil Eye?

& others


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