Du’aa Check list

Attached is the checklist that our children can use, in shaa Allah. You can print two for each child. It is good for 7 days. We want to slowly inculcate it into their lives, in shaa Allah. You can laminate it and use a white board marker to write on it. Reward the children accordingly, in shaa Allah. Erase after 14 days and repeat. Put the 2 charts side by side so that you can compare last week’s effort with this week’s. May Allah bless you and make it easy for you. Ameen. 



PFE means “protection from evil” du’aas and adkhar that Mufti Menk had suggested. Only 4 types are mentioned here, but actually there are more. These four, I gather, are a few of the basic du’aas and adhkar that one could do each day, in shaa Allah.

The video clip could be found below. Please recite these daily. One set in the morning. And one set in the evening, in shaa Allah 😊


If the above video fails to work, try the following videos, in shaa Allah 😊




Some other protection from evil du’aas and adhkar (may or may not be mentioned in the chart):


https://youtu.be/VUWzNz6AKls (protection from Jinn, evil eye and more, Part 1. Mufti Menk)

https://youtu.be/eIuu2wgf2qc (protection from Jinn, evil eye and more. Mufti Menk)


https://youtu.be/iSNh8_jBhFU (Protection from magic and evil eye, Part 1. Mufti Menk)


https://youtu.be/kYEvcYRzu8o (Protection from magic and evil eye, Part 2. Mufti Menk)


