Free ebooks

Here, we share some ebooks, or documents, just for the sake of Allah. We do not profit financially from this project. No copyright infringement is intended. We just want to share for so many Muslims, rich or poor, can benefit. If you own any of these books and you do not want it to be shared here, please message me on Facebook, in shaa Allah  (Nura Rashid {Victorian Muslimah}). I’ll try and remove it as soon as I can, with Allah’s help. If you are a reader, you may download and use these for yourselves, students, families and friends. Please do not sell these for financial gain. Do make du’aa for us and all the authors, publishers and others who compiled these books. If you can afford it, we strongly encourage you to purchase the hard copies of these books. This will benefit the author May Allah forgive us, have mercy on us and accept all our deeds as Ibaadah. Ameen.

Updated: 9/5/2024

Note: To see the free ebooks, please scroll down until you see the LIKE button. The page numbers are under the LIKE button. Click any of the page numbers to see the ebooks on that particular page. There are a few webpages of these ebooks. This is not the only page. Alhamdulillah. Check out the other pages too, in shaa Allah.
