Islamic Rules

Why do we have so many Islamic rules in Islam? Why is there Haram and Halal? Why is there Makrooh, Sunnah? Are Islamic Rules also known as the Shariah Laws? Why are these rules important? Why must we try our best to follow these rules? Is practising Islam supposed to make life difficult or easier? What are the aims of Shariah Law? Why should Muslims learn the five categories of Islamic rulings? Did Prophet Muhammad teach us to be better human beings? What is the purpose of life?


The Five Islamic Rulings

All human actions fall into five categories:

  1. Waajib (Obligatory):
    This denotes those acts which Allah commands Muslims to do. Those who do them will be rewarded, but those who neglect them will be subject to punishment. Examples of such acts include the five obligatory daily prayers and fasting during the lunar month of Ramadaan.
  2. Haraam (Prohibited):
    This denotes those acts which Allah has prohibited. Those who leave them will be rewarded, but those who engage in them will be punished. Examples of such acts include drinking alcohol and committing illicit sexual intercourse.
  3. Mustahabb (also called Sunnah: Recommended):
    This is used to describe acts which are rewarded but not punishable for their omission, such as smiling at people, initiating the greeting of Islam (by saying Assalaamu ‛Alaykum) when meeting them and removing dirt or harmful objects from the road.
  4. Makrooh (Disliked):
    This denotes those acts which Islam urges its adherents to avoid. Those who avoid them will be rewarded, and those who do them will not be subject to punishment. They include such acts as fiddling with one’s fingers during the prayer.
  5. Mubaah (Permissible):
    This denotes those acts that are neither forbidden nor recommended. They are rather neutral and thus subject neither to reward nor to punishment. They include eating, drinking and talking.


The Shariah Law

The Shariah is a straight way and a set of God given guidelines that when followed correctly will assure that every believer attains the ultimate success; a blissful life in the Hereafter. God said of the Shariah, “Then We put you, [O Muhammad], on a straight way concerning the matter [of religion]; so follow it and do not follow the inclinations of those who do not know.” (Quran 45:18)

What are the FIVE matters that The Shariah aims to protect? What are the FIVE goals of The Shariah? The FIVE holistic aims* of Islam?

It is almost universally accepted that there are five objectives or goals with which the Shariah preserves basic human rights. These rights are faith, life, the family, intellect and wealth. Fourteenth century legal scholar, Ibn al Qayyim stated that, the foundation of Shariah is wisdom and the safeguarding of people’s rights…”

1. Faith (religion)

God has made religion and worship obligatory. He has made the religion of Islam, and all that it entails, obligatory. Thus the first objective of the Shariah is to uphold the right to worship God in the way that He has commanded. The Shariah also contains rules and regulations pertaining to learning and propagating the religion.

2. Life

The Shariah is designed to preserve human life. Life is sacred because it is a gift from God. The taking of one human life is like killing the whole of humanity. Likewise saving one life is like saving all of humanity. (Quran 5:32)

3. The Family

Marriage is legislated in the Shariah and sex outside of marriage is forbidden. Every child has the right to grow up in a family and in safety, thus taking care of the family and the needs of orphans is an essential part of the Shariah.

4. Intellect

Sound intellect and knowledge is promoted and anything that corrupts or weakens it, such as alcohol and drugs, are forbidden. A strong intellect is a benefit to humankind, thus the Shariah encourages the education of both sexes.

5. Wealth 

People have the right to own and protect their wealth and property. Theft is forbidden, transactions are regulated and usury is forbidden. Laws that promote justice and fair dealing have been provided to govern commerce and transactions. Via obligatory charity the wealth of the community reaches those in need.



Below are some articles or videos that are useful for one to read or watch, in shaa Allah.


Halal and Haram Foods

There are slight differences in opinion regarding this subject. Do read the following articles or watch the following videos, in shaa Allah.

Halal Islamic Slaughter Videos


Beard & Hijab




Image Credits

Photo by CQF-Avocat from Pexels

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